
You must be knowing about Twitter ( Every day, millions of people use Twitter to create, discover and share ideas with others. Now, people are turning to Twitter as an effective way to reach out to businesses, too. From local stores to big brands, and from brick-and-mortar to internet-based or service sector, people are finding great value in the connections they make with businesses on Twitter.

Today every person is having a twitter account. Have you ever thought tweeting can bring bring massive income to you. You can easily pay your utility bills and other daily expenses. Bluescope Sloutions brings you the internet's easiest and most profitable home job. All you've to do is daily tweet the contents we provide using your twitter account. For each tweet you will be paid. A single tweet hardly takes 2- 3 seconds.

Apart from this you can even earn more and more, with tools which we provide. We'll be providing you with softwares and tools using same you can do auto tweets 24hrs even when you in sleep. This means, earnings will be continously pouring in your account.

You'll also be paid on the no. followers you get.

To know more read Job Details

Job Details

1. What is Twitter?
Twitter is a free online social networking site, wherein millions of people across worldwide share their ideas, views and promote their services and products. You can also create your own connections and follow others or let others follow what you say.

2. Is there any age limit and any skills ?
There is no age limit to get started in this profitable Tweet n Earn Job. You should have basic knowledge of surfing internet that's it.

3. How do get started with this profitable tweetn n Earn job work?
To get started first register with us. Once registered, just login to My Account Section. Here you'll get all the instructions to start the work other tools.

4. Daily how many tweets I've to do?
Daily you can do any no. of tweets there is no limit. More tweets more earning.

5. Who will provide me the contents for tweets?
We will provide with all the contents which you've to tweet at

6. Can I use any software for doing tweets?
Yes, you can use any software.

7. Can I use auto tweet websites for doing tweets?
yes, you can use those websites, however we will be providing with list of good auto tweet websites.

8. How Auto Tweet Websites work?
All you've to do is register on these auto tweet websites. At first create all you tweets there and set auto schedule for tweets. If you set daily 6 a.m., that all you tweets will automatically be posted on twitter at 6 a.m.

9. Will my auto tweets be counted as unique tweets?
Yes, each tweet will be counted as unique one and you'll be paid for the same.

10. How will you know how many tweets I've done?
In My Account Section, you'll be registering your twitter username - which will show us the total no. of tweets you did.

11. How much I'll be paid for doing tweets at
For every tweet from your end, you will be paid $0.50 USD. Doing one tweet will hardly going to take 5 seconds.

12. In a month what's the maximum amount I can earn through this program?
There is no limit on the no. of earnings. As you can do unlimited no. of tweets daily. However lets say for example.

On the first day you posted around 200 Tweets means $100.

Now if set Auto tweets on around 5 websites, which means on the next day total tweets will be 200 x 5=1000 tweets and earnings will be $500 for zero work from your end on the second day.

Likewise daily $500 USD will be generated for you without any work. So by end of the month total earnings will be like this -

First day total tweets = 200 - Earnings $100 USD

Next 29 Days with the help of 5 Auto Tweet Websites, total posting will be 200 x 29 days = 5800 and earning will be $2900 USD.

Total Earnings will be $100 USD + $2900 USD = $3000 USD.

Now suppose, if daily you are doing 500 tweets and daily submitting the same in Auto Tweet websites your earning will be mindblowing. There are tons of auto tweet websites and free softwares available on internet.

13. Will I be paid if I get any followers?
Yes, getting followers is a very good thing. For each followers to your account you'll be paid $0.50 USD extra.

14. Can I create multiple accounts in twitter?
Yes, you can create, but better follow their rules and regulations regarding multiple accounts.

15. When I'll be paid my total monthly earnings?
Every month between 7ht- 15th, you'll be paid previous months earnings (Between 1st to 30th). If paymnet is not received by 20th of the month, repayment is made on 22nd of the month.

16. In which mode I'll be paid?
You'll be paid as per the payment mode you selected during registration. However at any time you can change the payout mode in My Account Section.

17. Is there any registration fees to get started?
Yes, to get started, you need to pay a registration fees of Rs. 3500/-. On receipt of payment, Twitter Job will be activated in your My Account Section. It will take 24-48hrs to activate the account.

  • Trustworthy Workers
  • Perfectionists Designers
  • Intelligent Planner
  • Available 24x7 Support
  • Hard Working Labours
  • Friendly and Helpful
Sign Up Fee R 199 R 299 R 449 R 549
Payment Cycle Monthly Bi-Monthly Weekly Weekly
Target or Accuracy None None None None
Total tweets per month  1,000  1,500 2,000  2,500
Amount per tweet R 7.15 R 7.86 R 8.58 R 9.29
Amount Per Follower R 7.15 R 7.86 R 8.58 R 9.29
Max Payout per Month R 7150 R 11790 R 17160 R 23225
Contract Period 12 Months (1 Year) 12 Months (1 Year) 12 Months (1 Year) 12 Months (1 Year)

We qualified to work with the best

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To make the Payment, you must first fill and submit the Online Registration Form on this page.
On Successful submission, you'll be redirected to the payment page, where you can then complete the registration by making the payment.

The Star * marks Importance.


Account Details.

Password will be allotted by Photon Info Service.
Type in your desired Username below.

Security Question.

*No. of package/s you'd like to buy.

Amount is per package.
For More than 5 packages, Please contact Photon Info Service.

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